Service provider:
ZIRNGIBL Rechtsanwaelte Partnerschaft mbB
Partnership register Munich Local Court PR 579
VAT identification number: DE 175879206
Insofar as telemedia with journalistically/editorially designed content (such as Newsletters)
are concerned, the person in charge is: Dr. Martin Gebhardt
Kurfürstendamm 194/3.OG
D-10707 Berlin
Phone +49 (30) 88 03 31-0
Fax +49 (30) 88 03 31-100
Karlstrasse 23
D-80333 Munich
Phone +49 (89) 290 50-0
Fax +49 (89) 290 50-290
Bethmannstrasse 8
D-60311 Frankfurt / Main
Phone +49 (69) 58 999 58-0
Fax +49 (69) 58 999 58-100
The partners of the law firm are authorised to represent the firm.
The partners Dr. Johann Kurreck, Dr. Lars Adler, Dr. Thomas Zwissler, Dr. Dieter Lehner, Jan F. Krekel, LL.M., Dr. Hans-Jörg Krämer, Dr. Martin Gebhardt, Alexander Reimann, Dr. Andreas Dingler, Dr. Jan Küpperfahrenberg, , Sven Herweg, Dr. Barbara Putzhammer, Frederike von Gossler-Kubitz, LL.M.Eur., Katharina Mitterer, LL.M., Dr. Patrick Gasch, Dr. Lorenz Mitterer, Dr. Konstantin Thress, Dr. Daniel Schiele and Leonhard Jakob, Dr. Felix Burgkardt as well as the associates Dr. Catherine Jilek, Alexandra Feiner, Rainer Heckenstaller, Andreas Dornig, Michel J. Attenberger, LL.M., Dr. Philipp Schultes, Anna-Julia Quarg, Corinna Göggerle, LL. M., Dr. Florian Rockenbach, Wiebke Hederich, LL.M. (Otago), Dr. Caroline Otto, Daniel Mayer, Helena Tesch, Michelle Fink, Christina Lanzinger, Christina Lorenz, Elisabeth Wich, LL.M., Corinna Beyrer LL.M., Dr. Julia Gaßner, Dr. Timo Fietz, Julia Ranzinger, LL.M., Bastian Frick, Louis Rapp, Sebastian Schneiker, Alexander Berndt, Katharina Regnath, Dr. Maximilian Pöhner, Deborah Straub, Sophia Viktoria Pawlak, Janis Danassy, Katharina Regnat, Michelle Noack, Sarah Loesch, Moritz Lindauer as well as Of Counsel Friedrich E. Zirngibl, are admitted to the Munich Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer München), Tal 33, 80331 Munich., Phone: 089/53 29 44-0, Fax: 089/53 29 44-28.
The partners Dr. Andreas Damm, Lars Robbe, Dr. Markus Wiedemann, Dr. Jens Kaspers, LL.M. as well as the associates Steffen Linse, Andreas Labicki, Dr. S. Dennis Engbrink, LL.M., André Schmidt, Dr. Benedikt Overbuschmann, Patrizia Zorn, Lisa Hagelskamp, Fritz Stöcklein, Christian Cordes, Friedrich Kusche, Charlene Gengnagel and Dr. Karl Schwarz are admitted to the Berlin Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin), Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin., Phone: 030/30 69 31 0, Fax: 030/ 30 69 31 99.
The respective bar associations are regulatory authorities.
The lawyers associated in the law firm were given the title of „Rechtsanwalt/Rechtsanwaeltin“.
Professional liability insurance
Pursuant to the Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)) lawyers are obligated to maintain professional liability insurance with a minimum insured sum of EUR 250,000. Details are provided in §51 BRAO.
The lawyers at ZIRNGIBL have taken out professional liability insurance with AXA Versicherung AG, 10587 Berlin. The territory for which insurance cover exists encompasses business within Europe.
The following fee schedules and professional codes of conduct apply:
The following fee schedules and professional codes of conduct apply: Lawyers’ compensation act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)), federal lawyers’ act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)), Professional code of conduct for lawyers (Berufsordnung (BORA)), Specialist Lawyer Code (Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)), for cases before 1 July 2004: federal lawyers’ compensation act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung (BRAGO)), professional rules of conduct for lawyers in the European Community (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwaelte der Europaeischen Gemeinschaft), law on the activities of European lawyers in Germany (Gesetz über die Taetigkeit europaeischer Rechtsanwaelte in Deutschland (EuRAG)). You can find the complete acts and provisions on
Applicable to international legal relations: code of conduct for lawyers in the European Community.
Applicable to foreign colleagues: law on the activities of European lawyers in Germany.
Information according to Art. 14 (1) of the ODR-Regulation:
Follow this link to the website of the European Commission’s entity for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes:
All rights reserved. The images, texts and animation files used are subject to copyright law and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. Any passing on, alteration, commercial use or use on other websites is prohibited. © ZIRNGIBL 2016
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