Katharina Mitterer, LL.M.
Intellectual Property, Competition, IT
Digital and „Industrie 4.0“
T +49 (89) 290 50-226
F +49 (89) 290 50-294
E rerettim.k@zi@rngibl.de
Duygu Canti
Ms. Mitterer specializes in consulting on IT and data protection law for enterprises. She is a member of the interdisciplinary working group “Digital and Industry 4.0.” Matters of IP law are also among her specialties. The clients she serves at the firm include companies in the ICT, fashion, real-estate, and food industries, as well as public-sector clients.
- High school diploma in Landsberg-am-Lech
- Studied in Munich
- First State Exam in Munich
- Advanced practical legal training at Munich Higher Regional Court
- Second State Exam in Munich
- Studied for LL.M. in Dresden and London
- Licensed to practice law since 2010
- Lecturer for IT law at Hochschule Augsburg
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR) (German Association for Industrial Property Protection and Copyrights)
- European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V. (DGRI)
- Purchase of fiscal software for a German state: consulting during preparation of the supplemental terms for the IT contract documents, service during negotiations with the vendors, and contract consultation during the implementation phase
- Designed and negotiated a contract for introducing a multi-location and -country system for an SME
- Consulting for a hospital when reversing the agreement due to failure of the project on introducing a multimedia document management and archiving system
- Ongoing service for a bank in developing new and existing fields of business, particularly in the area of online services, digitization, and data protection
- GDPR implementation projects at a variety of national and international companies
- Mitterer/Wiedemann/Thress, BB-Gesetzgebungs- und Rechtsprechungsreport zu Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung 2024, in: Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2025, p. 3 et seq.